Truett & Osborn Flywheels
Part numbers for Truett & Osborn Flywheels are determined by combining the model code and the desired stroke length. This chart lists replacement flywheels (stock cubic inch displacement) by year and model. See stroke availability chart below for additional stroke lengths. Big Twin flywheels from 1939-1999 are available in two different styles (TorqueMonster Weight & Lighter Weight). The TorqueMonster flywheels are direct replacement weight (heavy) for years 1930-1981. The left side flywheel is much wider and heavier than the right side. The Lighter weight flywheels are the same width and weight for both right and left sides (similar to Evolution flywheels and S&S). Late Shovelheads and Evolutions from 1982-1999 the Lighter weight would be the direct replacement weight. TorqueMonster weight is available for these models as an option to increase low-end torque in Evos.
Years | Engine Size/Model | Stock Stroke | Outside Diameter | Notes | TorqueMonster Weight | Lighter Weight |
1929-1973 | Harley 45” | 3 13/16 | 7 7/8 |
| HD45 |
1929-1973 | Special HD 45" | 3 13/16 | 7 7/8 | Uses XL C-pin/Rods | * | HD45XL |
1952-1953 | K-model | 3 13/16 | 7 7/8 | Press in shafts&C-pin | * | 52K |
1954-1956 | KH-model | 4 9/16 | 7 7/8 | Lip on sprocket hole | * | 54KH |
1958-1970 | XLR-model | 3 13/16 | 7 7/8 |
| * | XLR |
1957-E1981 | Sportster | 3 13/16 | 7 7/8 |
| EXL |
L1981-1985 | Sportster | 3 13/16 | 7 7/8 |
| LXL |
1986-2003 | Sportster* | 3 13/16 | 7 7/8 | S&S special shafts* | * | EVXL |
1915-1920 | 61” J model | 3 1/2 | 8 3/4 |
| * | J |
1921-1929 | 74” JD model | 3 31/32 | 8 3/4 |
| * | JD |
1930-1936 | 74” Flathead | 3 31/32 | 8 1/8 | 4" stroke also avail. | 30T |
1936 | 80" Flathead | 4 1/4 | 8 1/8 | 30T | ||
1937-1948 | 74”/80”Flathead* | 4 9/32 | 8 9/32 | Use 1941-later C-pin* | 37T |
1936-1940 | 61” Knucklehead* | 3 ½ | 8 1/8 | Use 1941-later C-pin* | 36T |
1941-1947 | 61” Knucklehead | 3 ½ | 8 ½ |
| 39T |
1948-1952 | 61” Panhead | 3 ½ | 8 ½ |
| 39T |
1941-1954 | 74” Pan/Knuckle | 3 31/32 | 8 ½ |
| 39T | 39 |
1955 | 74" Panhead | 3 31/32 | 8 ½ | 56-64 Sprocket Shaft | 56T | 56 |
1956-1969 | 74” Pan/Shovel | 3 31/32 | 8 ½ |
| 56T | 56 |
1970-1971 | 74” Shovelhead | 3 31/32 | 8 ½ |
| 70T | 56 |
1972-1981 | 74” Shovelhead* | 3 31/32 | 8 ½ | 82-up Sprocket Shaft* | 82/72T | 82/72 |
1972-1981 | 80” Shovelhead* | 4 ¼ | 8 ½ | 82-up Sprocket Shaft* | 82/72T | 82/72 |
1982-1984 | 80” Shovelhead | 4 ¼ | 8 ½ |
| 82T | 82 |
1985-1999 | 80” Evolution | 4 ¼ | 8 ½ |
| 82T | 82 |
Flywheels for 74" & 80" OHV models are available in
Lighter Weight or Torquemonster version.
Flywheels for 61" OHV & Big Twin Flathead models are only available in
Torquemonster version.*see note*
Flywheels for 45" Flathead, K-model, Sportster, and JD models only
available in stock Weight.
* = Available at extra charge for reducing outside diameter *see note* x = Available | |||||||||||||
Harley Davidson Flywheels | |||||||||||||
Model Code & Stroke | 3 1/2" | 3-13/16" | 3-31/32" | 4" | 4-1/4" | 4-5/16" | 4 9/32" | 4-7/16" | 4 9/16" | 4-1/2" | 4-5/8" | 4-3/4" | 5" |
HD45 | x | x | x | x | |||||||||
45XL (XL C-pin) | x | x | x | x | |||||||||
52K | x | ||||||||||||
54KH | x | ||||||||||||
XLR (Race XL) | x | ||||||||||||
EXL & LXL | x | x | x | x | x | x | |||||||
EVXL | x | x | |||||||||||
J & JD Model | x | x | x | x | x | x | |||||||
30T (flathead) | x | x | x | ||||||||||
37T (flathead) | * | * | x | * | * | * | * | ||||||
36T (OHV) | x | * | * | * | * | * | * | ||||||
39 & 39T | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ||||||
56 & 56T | x | x | x | x | x | x | |||||||
70T | x | ||||||||||||
82/72 & 82/72T | x | x | x | x | x | x | |||||||
82 & 82T | x | x | x | x | x |
Flywheels for 74" & 80" OHV models are available in
Lighter Weight or Torquemonster version.
Flywheels for 61" OHV & Big Twin Flathead models are only available in
Torquemonster version.*see note*
Flywheels for 45" Flathead, K-model, Sportster, and JD models only
available in stock Weight.
*Please Note*JD ,45XL, XLR, EVXL, K, and KH flywheels are specialty flywheels, priced the same as Torquemonster Flywheels. HD45 flywheels & Sportster flywheels are priced the same as Lighter Weight Flywheels.
*Please Note*1972-1981 Original Harley flywheels used sprocket shaft part # 24001-72. This shaft was very large taper, set at 8 degrees, and had a lot of problems with slippage in the flywheel. We make our flywheels for these years to use the 1982-later 23909-80 shaft.
*Please Note*Flywheels for 1937-1948 Big Twin Flathead and 1936-1940 61" Knucklhead are made with the 1941-later OHV crankpin, NOT the stepped crankpin as original. I only make the stock stroke flywheels (4-9/32 & 3-1/2) in the TorqueMonster version, but since we make them with the later crankpin, the only difference between these and 1939-later OHV flywheels is the outside diameter. We can take a set of 1939-later OHV Lighter Weight or TorqueMonster flywheels that are available in other strokes and turn the O.D. to be used in Flathead or 61" Knuckle engines.
*Please Note*Flywheels for Evolution Sportster models require the use of special "big taper" S&S brand sprocket shaft and pinion shaft. Other parts such as pinion gears and bearings must also be changed, depending on the year/model.
Truett & Osborn TorqueMonster Flywheels
- Brand: Truett & Osborn
- Product Code: TOTorque
- Availability: In Stock
Available Options
Tags: Truett & Osborn, Harley Davidson, Engine Components, Flywheel