Top End
Piston Pin Support Plate 16-1164
The Jim's piston support plate provides a non-marring flat support to push the bottom of the piston ..
Piston Ring Grinder 16-0976
The piston ring grinder accurately sizes end gap on any piston ring by rotary filing.VT No: 16-0976 ..
Piston Ring Installer Plier Tool 16-0628
Piston ring installer plier toolVT No: 16-0628 Piston ring installer plier tool Fits:All models UOM:..
Pushrod Cover Clip Tool 16-1728
Sifton pushrod cover compressor tool allows removal and installation of pushrod clip.VT No: 16-1728 ..
Pushrod Cover Removal Tool 16-1024
Pushrod cover removal tool fits TC-88 modelsVT No: 16-1024 OEM No: 94086-09 Pushrod cover removal to..
Rear Intake Valve Spring Compressor 16-0868
This spring compressor compresses intake valve spring on the rear cylinder so the rocker box can be ..
Ring-O-Matic Ring Compressor Tool Kit 16-0622
Ring-o-matic ring compressor tool kitVT No: 16-0622 Ring-o-matic ring compressor tool kit The smalle..
Rocker Arm Bush Ball Hone Tool .554 16-0612
Rocker arm bush ball hone tool .554VT No: 16-0612 Rocker arm bush ball hone tool .554 Fits:FL 1966-1..
Rocker Arm Bushing and Roller Bearing Puller 16-1848
This rocker arm roller bearing pullerVT No: 16-1848 OEM No: 95760-57 This rocker arm roller bearing ..
Rocker Arm Bushing Reamer Tool 16-1804
The Jims rocker arm bushing reamer tool is used to ream rocker bushings to a factory fit of .0007"-...
Rocker Box Breather Tool Kit 16-0914
This rocker box breather upgrade kit includes tap, drill bit, breather tubes, and instructions.VT No..
Rocker Box Ratcheting Wrench 16-6529
Reversible Ratcheting Type Wrench features low profile design to allow clearance between frame and e..